Data Privacy

So what is GDPR? 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU). The main objective of the GDPR is to define the manner in which the privacy of EU citizens should be protected by unifying the data regulation rules of the EU’s member states.

What is personal data?

Personal data includes any personal information relating to a resident of the EU. Personal data can be anything from a name to a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, a computer IP address, and so on.

How do we address the new guidelines?

Privacy by Design – we have embedded privacy and the protection of information into our day to day activities, in the design of our system, which ensures that we handle your data in accordance with guidelines defined by the different data protection legislators.

DPO – we have appointed a DPO who is responsible to ensure that we handle your data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

How do we handle data?

We ensure that we only use the information that is necessary to provide you with the service. You can find further information in our Privacy Policy

Breach notification

In the event that a data breach will occur in spite of our best efforts to prevent such an event, we will make sure to notify the relevant Data Protection Authority of any breach without undue delay once we become aware of any breach.

Data deletion requests

Please send an email to with the subject "Data Deletion Request" from the email associated with your account.

If you request for your data to be deleted, we will delete all personal information, profile images, Facebook token (if applicable), usage data, and anonymize your activity. We will also remove your information from any 3rd party vendors who may be sub-processors of that data.

Once data deletion is requested and account ownership is confirmed, the data deletion request enters our queue. Generally, the data is deleted within 14 calendar days of the initial request. During the deletion process data is securely purged from Deed's databases and servers. All related backup and log data will be deleted within 30 calendar days. Once data has been deleted it cannot be recovered.

2019 (c) Go Deed Inc. - All rights reserved
2019 (c) Go Deed Inc. - All rights reserved